Child Impact Africa

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Child Impact Africa, is amovement of people focused on delivering a message of hope to vulnerable Children, the innocent Victims, world's most vulnerable group. CIA's approach is two fold,; First we look to prevent-educate children, addressing behavior change to prevent further damage, at the same time, we work to alleviate- provide a safe environment to vulnerable children, where they can receive the Love, care, and Nutrition needed to grow.


This  Organization provides ways to show compassion and deep respect for all people. wev are adopted sons and daughters of God [ Ephesians; 1:5], so God calls us to reach out to those who have no father Or mother. it reminds us that the work of saving the Homeless and the fatherless is everyone's business and the way in which we care for those who need our love and sympath is a test of our character.


when we share our lives with others, we often find that we ourselves are the ones who are changed.

We are committed to the dream , teach, feed, shelter,and clothe vulnerable children. Matthew 25.